
重量 不提供
尺寸 不提供


樓梯護板 居家防墜










如所需超過這個數量,請再下另一張單 ,或以宅配方式配送。


可愛卡通樓梯護板( 牛博士/熊博士 )



➡️ 樓梯防墜:擋住樓梯縫隙,防止兒童從樓梯桿縫隙墜落。

➡️ 科學間隔:適用於99%以上各種樓梯、陽台、鐵窗等危險間距,部分特殊間距無法使用,請拍照聯繫客服諮詢。

➡️ 雙重加高:當小朋友開始學會走路後,可於原本的護板上方加裝樓梯護板進行加高防護。

➡️ 優等材質:原料商嚴格把控,只與大廠合作,進口無毒原廠PP料,天然無毒色粉,安全不能馬虎。

➡️ 3D設計:3D表面設計,不同觸感促進寶寶五感。

➡️ 不傷人體:未檢出重金屬、不含雙酚A,無毒、無螢光劑,手感舒適、邊角打磨圓滑細緻,結構力學精算孔位,不傷皮膚、不磨手。

➡️ 專利創新:與兒童協會共同合作研發,擁有國家新型專利證書,獲得歐美多個機構認證,通過11項歐盟檢測,出口歐美的高品質樓梯護板。

➡️ 安裝簡易:媽媽也能獨自安裝、操作使用。

➡️ 終身質保:連續六個月的陽光照射也不褪色,讓兒童的安全成長杜絕後患,持續護航 。

➡️ 特殊保障:採用一次性束帶,卡位一旦拉緊固定,卡入將無法退回,讓護板堅固不移,牢固有保障。

➡️ 強化升級:進口加寬加厚束帶,通過300次350n扭力測試,防撞效果全新升級,雙倍受力,雙倍安全,雙倍耐用。

➡️ 出口品質:20年以上外貿工廠,專門出口歐、美、日,嚴格遵造歐盟標準開發、設計、製作,讓安全可視化,成本看得見。




熊博士:高42cm*寬16.3cm ( 1.65kg/10片 )

牛博士:高38cm*寬20cm ( 1.65kg/10片 )

Free Standard Shipping with any online purchase of $50 (merchandise subtotal excludes store pick up items; merchandise subtotal is calculated before sales tax, before gift wrap charges, and after any discounts or coupons). Truck delivery and shipping surcharges on over-sized or extremely heavy items will still apply (these charges are indicated on the appropriate product information pages and will be displayed in the shipping subtotal of your order). Orders typically arrive within 3-6 business days. Items shipped directly from the vendor or to Alaska and Hawaii have longer delivery lead times. This offer does not apply to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Business Direct orders.

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Super Soft
Premium Cotton

Our baby clothing fabrics are made from carefully selected premium cotton that is combed and delicately processed creating a super soft cotton.
made with love

Made with Safety in Mind

Safety is our number one priority, so we design our products with your baby in mind, using safe days and verified product testing to ensure the best quality. We only use high quality safe snaps for a secure hold while they’re sleeping, crawling, playing and even dancing.

Combine with

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